Responding to a changing healthcare industry demanding data expertise, JU’s colleges of Health Sciences and Business have collaborated to create the first health informatics master’s degree in the region, to prepare graduates for the workforce with the most relevant skills …
Read More »Tag Archives: Brooks Rehabilitation College of Healthcare Sciences
FIT LIFE: Is Daylight Saving bad for your health?
In less than a week we will be “springing” our clocks ahead by one hour. It’s that time of year when we “lose” an hour of sleep – which most of us dread. In return, we “gain” an hour of …
Read More »HEALTHY LIFE: Forgetfulness doesn’t always equal dementia
Have you ever had an older adult family member become disoriented, or confused about who they are? Perhaps all of a sudden they could not recognize close family members. Or they were tired and experiencing a lack
FIT LIFE: Active travel not as popular in U.S. as elsewhere
When my husband and I lived in The Netherlands several years ago, we noticed that the Dutch take a much different approach to travel than we do in North America. They seemed to walk and bike everywhere.
Research published in …
Read More »Ebola virus topic of presentation Jan. 29 in Gooding Auditorium
Jacksonville University’s College of Health Sciences is pleased to announce that Dr. Kelli Wells, Director of the Florida Department of Health in Duval County, will present a discussion of the Ebola virus at 12:15 p.m. Jan. 29. in Gooding Auditorium …
Read More »Exercise addiction putting more at risk for health problems, new book co-authored by JU fitness expert argues
As in most years, making exercise a more regular habit is again a top New Year’s resolution this year, but a new book argues that a growing number of exercise enthusiasts are taking their passions too far—and it’s becoming a …
Read More »Serving the memory of Catie Carter – one Nursing scholarship at a time
Catie Carter would be proud. Proud to see so many of the nurses who cared for her as she battled childhood cancer now receive the tuition funding they need to complete or advance their Nursing educations in the Jacksonville University …
Read More »FIT LIFE: Going Green with your exercise regime
I grew up hearing my parents constantly telling me and my brothers to “go outside and get some fresh air.” It looks like they were on to something.
Exercise is well known to provide physical and psychological health benefits. But …
Read More »HEALTHY LIFE: Is tiredness related to age, fitness or anemia?
Have you ever felt tired? Maybe slightly more short of breath while walking? Just don’t feel like yourself? Is this normal, or could it be a symptom of an underlying medical condition?
Let’s take a closer look at a case
FIT LIFE: The power of power naps
Most American adults do not get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night – and that’s not good for our health.
When we get less sleep than needed,