What: Jacksonville University Marine Science Summer Camp, featuring for the first time the new R/V Larkin state-of-the-art floating classroom. When: Two one-week camps, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. M-F, June 16-20, June 23-27. Where: JU Marine Science Research Institute, 2800 University Blvd. N., Jacksonville. Who: For high school students ages 13 and up. Details: JU’s Marine Science camps are held in conjunction with the St. Johns Riverkeeper. The camps will explore marine science from the estuary to the coastal environment using field trips along the St. Johns River and Northeast Florida and laboratory analysis of samples collected in the field. High school students will be involved in all aspects of investigating marine environments, from choosing sampling methodology and sites to monitoring water chemistry to collecting, identifying and enumerating fish and invertebrate species and finally to presenting the collected data in graphical format. Students will gain hands-on experience with standard marine science collection and monitoring equipment, including using electronic monitoring equipment (YSI or similar devices), plankton nets, seine nets, trawls, box cores and ponar grabs. They will also employ laboratory analysis methods. The camps are independent, and students can attend both of them or either one. The camp will be led by Jacksonville University Marine Science and St. Johns Riverkeeper staff. The faculty will be assisted by JU undergraduate marine science majors. Possible field trips include the St. Johns River in downtown Jacksonville, Little Talbot Island, Ft. George Inlet, Matanzas Bay, Huguenot Park, Hannah Park and Mayport, along with trips on the 48-foot R/V Larkin, JU’s new floating classroom equipped for river research. Daily activities include lunch in the JU Riverview Café and recreational time at the pool. Cost: $275 per week, with before and after care provided from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. with a $50 fee. Information: http://www.ju.edu/msri/Pages/Summer-Camps.aspx.