Hailing its coordinated efforts to promote physical activity as a “vital sign of health” for its students, Exercise Is Medicine global founder Dr. Bob Sallis bestowed the Bronze Level EIM Award upon Jacksonville University April 11 before a packed house for his Distinguished Lecture at Terry Concert Hall.

Only 72 campuses in the U.S. have the designation as an “EIM Campus” because they have made a campus-wide effort to promote fitness, and only two of those are in Florida — JU and Florida Gulf Coast University. The program is designed to create awareness that young adults may need assistance in keeping fit and healthy as they traverse the new challenges and environment of college, with its independent living, financial responsibility and stress in academic and career pursuits.
Watch Dr. Sallis’ full lecture below:
With JU creating new campus-based health and wellness programs involving its students, faculty and staff — bolstering personal training, completely remodeling its Nimnicht Fitness Center and adding resources for more cutting-edge research in kinesiology and fitness — it decided it was time to apply for the award, and it received it this spring.
Dr. Sallis presented the 2016 Brooks Rehabilitation College of Healthcare Sciences Distinguished Lecture on Exercise is Medicine following his presentation of the award to President Tim Cost as Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry and Health Sciences Dean Dr. Christine Sapienza looked on.
“I really enjoyed my visit to the JU campus and was so impressed by the commitment shown by President Cost, Healthcare Sciences Dean Christine Sapienza, the Kinesiology faculty and the students around getting the entire campus to be more active. And I was amazed that Mayor Curry attended as well and echoed that commitment to getting the entire city of Jacksonville to be more active,” Dr. Sallis said. “We know that exercise is the single best thing you can do for your health, and JU is taking the lead in making sure its students and the community get the exercise they need to be healthy.”
As the costs associated with diseases directly caused by a sedentary lifestyle have soared, it is clear that physical inactivity is a major public health problem of our time. Dr. Sallis stated that exercise is a wonder drug and if listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference (the largest compendium of drugs), it would be the most powerful drug currently available. And it would be malpractice not to prescribe it.