The first Davis College of Business student to study in Scotland in a unique exchange program is getting a dose of culture along with his studies. Zacchari Gale, an aviation operations and management student from Jacksonville, is studying at the City of Glasgow College in Glasgow, Scotland. He joins Davis College of Business students Steven Paduchak and Daniel Pruitt studying in Europe this semester. This is Gale’s first time traveling outside the United States.

“I am very excited to visit a different part of the world and learn about the way their culture is different from ours in the United States and see how we are viewed by a different part of the world,” he said. Within his first month, he has visited many different cultural sites, including the castles at Inverness, and also attended the Inspiring City Awards, a black-tie event for the City of Glasgow.
An agreement between Jacksonville University and City of Glasgow College was reached last fall, with hopes of promoting international exchange of students and collaboration of research between the two institutions. Gale is the first student going to Scotland as a part of this agreement. The hope is to send more students in future semesters to the City of Glasgow College and the University of Highlands and Islands, also in Scotland.
“Any student who decides to take a trip or study abroad for a semester is going to have an experience which will shape them for a lifetime,” said Dr. Doug Johansen, assistant professor of international business and marketing, who is the faculty contact for Scotland study abroad in the Davis College of Business. “The exposure to other cultures change students’ view point of the world and I think Zacc will be amazed at the cultural differences in Scotland.”
Gale comes from a very diverse learning background, having experienced traditional schooling, homeschooling, online learning and individual instruction.
“I have heard the European way of learning is vastly different than it is in the United States,” Gale noted. “I feel like learning from various types of instruction has really shaped me as a student and a lifetime learner.”
While there, Gale will take courses in Glasgow and will visit other parts of Europe. Gale plans to connect with Paduchek and Pruitt, who will be touring Europe on the rails. With ancestors in Norway and Wales, Gale also hopes to visit his family members during his semester abroad.
On Sept. 18, Scotland residents went to the polls to decide whether or not to separate from the United Kingdom and become a sovereign nation. “This will be a perfect opportunity to truly understand the importance of the Scottish culture,” Gale said before the vote. “It will be interesting what will happen, whether or not they do receive independence.” Ultimately, the Scots voted against the referendum.
Regardless, Gale is already enjoying his experience as expressed in his travel blog, where he references himself as being a “mini-celebrity” in his classes. To follow Gale’s blog, visit
“This is the perfect opportunity to have an international experience,” Gale said. “Every student I have met who has traveled internationally during their college career has cited it as the best experience in college.”