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Tag Archives: Dr. Mini Zeng

Deep Dive: It’s time to develop our cybersecurity workforce

Cyberattacks are a growing threat that demand urgent action. This year’s cyberattacks on the nation’s largest fuel pipeline, Colonial Pipeline, and on SolarWinds, a major U.S. information technology firm, show the urgency around the issue of cyber security.

In both …

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Marilyn Repsher Center for Teaching and Learning presents fellowships for faculty research

Dr. Zeng Dr. Izaryk and Dr. Atkins receive SOTL Fellowships

The Marilyn Repsher Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) recently presented Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) Fellowships to four Jacksonville University faculty members.

This year’s Fellowships were granted to:

Dr. Whitney George
  • Dr. Laura Atkins, Assistant Professor of Sociology,

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