The Orthodontics Class of 2016 has earned a 100% pass rate on the American Board of Orthodontics’ (ABO) written exam — the fourth straight year that all JU School of Orthodontics graduates have gained membership into JU’s “100% Club.”
“This is a remarkable achievement that reflects the institutional commitment to educational rigor and academic excellence,” said Dr. Mark Alarbi, Associate Dean and Program Director of the School of Orthodontics Advanced Specialty Education Program in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics.

The JU 100% Club award recognizes each class’ hard work, perseverance and ability to work together, resulting in a 100% pass rate on the written phase of the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO) certification examination. Passing the written ABO exam is a School of Orthodontics graduation requirement and an important educational outcome measure. It is a significant step toward achieving full ABO certification post-graduation in order to obtain the status of Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics, which is highly regarded among colleagues and the public.
“Thanks to the meticulous and dedicated effort of faculty and graduating residents in instruction, casework, record-keeping and rigorous oral and written audits and exams, the residents at JU have enjoyed tremendous success in the past five years in acquiring the status of ABO Diplomate,” Dr. Alarbi said.
JU’s 24-month certificate program in the Brooks Rehabilitation College of Healthcare Sciences School of Orthodontics combines didactic, clinical and research components, leading to a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies (C.A.G.S.) in Orthodontics. JU Orthodontics graduates currently enjoy an extremely high job placement rate.
The 2016 inductees into the 100% Club are Drs. H. Albin Haji, F. Alkhayyal, S. Asiri, M. Badri, J. Braud, S. Elmaraghy, D. Garrison, K. Hamdallah, Z. Levin, B. Lewis, G. Luttrell, T. Miller, M. Rezaie and A. Yadegari and S. Zamani.
Past School of Orthodontics members of the JU 100% Club:
2006: Drs. I Abramowitz, D. Agnini, T. Quinn, J. Battle, A. Demos, E. Gallo, R. Young, E. Jauch, R. Long, C. Modjeski, P. Jang, B. Santelli, M. Sawaf, J. Barlock.
2007: Drs. R. Busquets, Y. Garcia, R. Goff, S. Hithe, J. Jones, F. Nicieza, K. Vij, M. Parsa, A. Raglin, S. Shyn, J. Vo, A. Tolman, M. Turgeau, K. Woolridge.
2008: T. Rollins, H. Murillo, J. Rice, D. Mauro, O. Eisenstein, B. Jacobson, J. Trapnell, T. Stuhlmiller, G. Trapnell, L. Lockhart, D. Browning, L. Kubala, R. Lee, M. Pinto.
2010: Drs. A. Abdelkarim, D. Abramowitz, A. Antoniazzi, K. Bray, J. Gamblin, C. Hadgis, A. Hussain, P. Jones, B. Myers, S. Nguyen, T. Nguyen, H. Oweisy, D. Rinchuse, C. Samuel.
2013: Drs. N. Alharbi, K. Al-lbrahim, D. Aljehani, D. Al-Tamimi, N. Althagafi, R. Eshky, C. Feldman, C. Fernandez-Feo, R. Harrison, N. Helal, A. Jabour, B. Lockhart, S. Motlagh, J. Ouellette, T. Poyadou.
2014: Drs. M. Alali, R. Alkhunaizi, F. Alotibi, N. Andros, T. Cao, T. Dunn, S. Endrizzi, R. Guloy, L. Haidar, F. Herrero, H. Nagori, O. Onuora, C. Rubin, B. Smith, D. Aljehani.
2015: Drs. A. Alfayez, S. DePasquale, C. Williams, R. Reynolds, A. Lorenzo-Reyes, M. Alnatheer, M. Jones, V. Bond, M. Bustati, N. Ruiz-Febo, A. Al Mutlaq, E. Othman, A. Bahramnejad, D. Urciuoli, A. Swidi.