Presentations on Florida juvenile justice policy, including juvenile crime, direct filing, civic citations, drug court and the Jacksonville Journey will be discussed Nov. 20 by top local names in the legal system and law enforcement at a JU Public Policy Institute Juvenile Justice Policy Forum.
Details of the event are below:
TIME AND DATE: November 20, 2014; Reception 6 p.m.; Program 7 to 8:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Davis College of Business, 1st Floor; Jacksonville University, 2800 University Blvd. N.
SPONSORS/ORGANIZERS: JU Public Policy Institute
TOPIC OF CONFERENCE: Juvenile Justice Policy: Our Future
The Honorable Henry E. Davis, Circuit Court Judge, Fourth Judicial Circuit
The Honorable Judge Henry E. Davis is a native of Jacksonville. After practicing law with the U.S. Justice Department and in private practice for several years, he began his judicial career with his appointment to circuit judge by Gov. Lawton Chiles in 1992. Judge Davis has presided in assignments to the civil, family, criminal (felony), and juvenile delinquency/dependency divisions of the Fourth Judicial Circuit. Judge Davis is a member of the Florida Board of Bar Examiners and the Florida Commission on Ethics. He received his J.D. from Florida State University in 1975.
Angela B. Corey, State Attorney, Fourth Judicial Circuit of Florida
Angela Corey is a native of Jacksonville. A 32-year veteran prosecutor, Ms. Corey is in her third term as State Attorney. During her initial 25 years in the Fourth Judicial Circuit, Ms. Corey tried hundreds of cases, including 50 homicides. In 2007, Corey joined the 7th Judicial Circuit as an Assistant State Attorney in the homicide investigative unit, then was elected to serve as the State Attorney of the 4th Judicial Circuit of Florida in 2008. Ms. Corey has devoted time to training police and prosecutors, achieved Board Certification in Criminal Trial Law, and is involved in several community and civic activities. She received her J.D. from the University of Florida in 1979.
John H. Rutherford, Sheriff, Jacksonville
Sheriff John H. Rutherford has served three terms as Jacksonville Sheriff and was elected each time with a sweeping mandate from the citizens of Duval County. He’s now in his 40th year with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, where he attained the ranks of sergeant, lieutenant and captain, and then was appointed by then Sheriff James McMillan to the rank of Chief. Sheriff Rutherford is a graduate of Florida State University, the FBI National Academy and the FBI’s Executive Institute.
Matt Shirk, Public Defender, Fourth Judicial Circuit
Matt Shirk began his second term as public defender in January 2013. Since taking office in 2009, he has formed one of Florida’s first Veteran Treatment Courts, implemented cost-saving technologies and launched a Resource Recovery Program. In 2010, he established Vision for Excellence summer camp, which provides young people educational resources, interaction with positive role models and community-building opportunities. He received his J.D. from Florida Coastal School of Law in 1999.
COST: Free
EVENT CONTACT: Rick A. Mullaney, Director, Public Policy Institute, (904) 256-7342,