Students in JU’s TRiO Student Support Services program recently explored graduate schools at Florida Atlantic University, University of Miami and Florida International University in hopes to increase the retention and graduation rates at Jacksonville University.
This graduate school tour allowed students to explore prestigious institutions while meeting with professional graduate staff, hearing valuable career advice and planning their futures in higher education.
Exploring these institutions was a learning experience for our TRiO students planning to smoothly transition into graduate school after JU. An important key was the federally funded TRiO Ronald McNair Scholarship Program, the McKnight fellowship funding for Florida residents and the importance of solidifying a promising internship that coincides with your graduate program.
The tour eliminated all of the misconceptions students had about the process of applying for graduate school and the “real” requirements for admission. TRiO SSS is working to ensure that our students can apply to graduate school surpassing the minimum grade-point average of a 3.0 (B) before they begin the rigorous admissions process.
We also toured the Miami Science Museum, where S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) are blended into fun discoveries. During the visit, our students participated in the hands-on interactive scientific
research within the planetarium shows, artistic educational displays and wildlife exhibits. The marine sciences information pertained to zoology, biology and chemistry. The purpose behind this entire venture was to connect students’ personal, educational and professional goals while they are exploring the next phase of their development.
This is an example of our students simultaneously creating stronger networks while striving to embrace new learning environments. We are preparing them to explore every facet of every opportunity while ascending beyond their own expectations and definitions of success while emerging into our global society.
The TRiO Student Support Services Program is a federally funded academic support system designed to offer services to 140 students who meet one of three requirements: students who identify as first-generation, those meeting income guidelines specifically set by the U.S. Department of Education and/or who have a documented disability registered in the Student Life Office.
The program’s main goal is to increase the number of disadvantaged students in the United States to successfully complete a bachelor’s degree program. We pledge to assist them in becoming the best they can be.
Juwan Watson
Academic/Retention Coordinator
Trio Student Support Services
Jacksonville University