They walked the dog and went around the world. There was even a throwdown.
More than 15 students, faculty members and staffers participated in a yo-yo contest Monday, March 4 at the Kinne University Center promoting ECHO — an upcoming new three-credit hour graduation requirement that challenges students to apply what they’ve learned in class to real-world situations.
Contestants were required to use official “ECHO” yo-yos that they were able to obtain by demonstrating that they were knowledgeable about ECHO. The top tricksters won prizes from the JU Bookstore.
ECHO, an abridgement of the campaign’s “everything you do comes back to you” slogan, is a commitment to student learning that JU is demonstrating through its quality enhancement plan (QEP). ECHO’s experiential learning opportunities are available through undergraduate research or independent study; service learning; internships; and study abroad.
More information about ECHO is on this website and Facebook.
Here’s a video of the yo-yo fun:
And here’s a photo gallery: