Home»Admin»Admissions»Arts educators spend a day at Jacksonville University learning and teaching together
Thanks to generous donor and patron W.C. Gentry, the University provided lunch on the Science Green as part of the Creative Arts Collaborations Conference 2019 visit.
Arts educators spend a day at Jacksonville University learning and teaching together
President Tim Cost ‘81 presented the keynote address “The Changing Face of Art in Higher Education” to the Arts School Network (ASN) Annual Conference visit to Jacksonville University on Thursday, Oct. 24.
This year, approximately 300 conference attendees spent a full day at Jacksonville University highlighted by President Cost’s perspective on the present and future of art in higher education.
About 300 members of the Arts School Network checked in at the Frisch Family Welcome Center for a day of presentations, workships and networking at Jacksonville University on Thursday, Oct. 24.
President Tim Cost ’81 opened the day’s activities by describing how the University community embraces the intersection of the fine arts with science, technology, engineering and mathematics in programs including STEAM and PODS.
Karen Bell, Circus Arts Conservatory, demonstrates how to make juggling balls as a clasroom activity in one of the conference’s morning breakout sessions.
A workshop attendee makes a juggling ball …
… while Ms. Bell demonstrates the art.
Workshop attendees work on their juggling skills.
Thanks to generous donor and patron W.C. Gentry, the University provided lunch on the Science Green as part of the Creative Arts Collaborations Conference 2019 visit.
In an afternoon session, Jacksonville University glass arts students demonstrated their art.
The students went from inception through the stages of creation …
… as Professor Brian Frus discussed the business of art, the challenges of raising funds, and the details of teaching his entrancing subject.