Dr. Quinton White, JU’s Marine Science Research Institute executive director, was a guest Thursday, July 18 on a WJCT-89.9 FM “First Coast Connect” radio segment about an upcoming forum on the Jacksonville Harbor Deepening Project.
White said on the show that he and other environmentalist are concerned about the “depth and completeness” of a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study of the deepening project.
“There are a lot of things left out,” he said. “The St. Johns River is incredibly complex and … the Corps, I think, has regrettably rushed to issue this report.”
Hosted by the St. Johns Riverkeeper, a nonprofit advocacy group, the forum is at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 23 at the Wyndham Jacksonville Riverwalk Hotel, 1515 Prudential Drive.
To listen to the “First Coast Connect” segment, click here, scroll down the page, and find the airdate of July 18. The interview with White begins about 30 minutes into the program.
Click here to read a Wave Weekly article about the forum.