To our students, faculty and staff,
Thank you all for your warm welcome during my first few weeks on campus. I’ve had a chance to walk our beautiful surroundings a number of times, and chances are some of you have even run into me.
Whether grabbing lunch at the cafeteria, attending our excellent Career Expo, roaming the library, seeing a great concert at Terry Concert Hall, gaining a new appreciation for the world of Orthodontics at the Lazzara Building or taking in so much of the action of our men’s and women’s athletic teams, I’ve been impressed with everyone I’ve met. The conversations have been open, honest and thought-provoking.
I want to keep that momentum going with all of you — faculty, staff and especially students. Hearing your ideas and suggestions is so valuable to me as I work to keep Jacksonville University on its upward path.
So, let’s keep talking.
I’m setting aside some time each week for open office hours, where you can walk in and just say hello, shoot the breeze, tell me what’s working (or isn’t) and offer your ideas and solutions, too.
For starters, I’ve set aside 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 21, in DCOB Room 151, for you to stop by. After that, open office hours will be from 2:00-3:30 p.m. on the following dates:
Thursday, March 7 – MSRI 226
Thursday, March 14 – Lazzara 202 (Community Room)
Thursday, March 28 – Oak Hall MPR
So please consider adding one of these dates to your calendar. I’ll be there and hope you will, too. Let’s keep working together to make Jacksonville University the best it can be.