What: Event billed as a non-partisan, fact-based discussion of the national debt, part of a 12-state bus tour targeting undecided voters in those states considered to be most important in determining the outcome of the Presidential election. The event is sponsored by Jacksonville University and the University of North Florida.
When: 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 2
Where: Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Downtown Jacksonville, 333 N. Laura St.
Cost: Free to the public.
Background: The tour is spearheaded by David M. Walker, founder of CAI (Comeback America Initiative) who served as U.S. Comptroller General for both the George W. Bush and Bill Clinton administrations, from 1998-2008. Walker, who graduated with a BS in Accounting from JU in 1973, is a leading authority on the national debt and a political independent. His biography describes him as “one of the nation’s leading public advocates for fiscal responsibility and government transformation.”
The event will also involve other fiscal experts and notable persons, according to organizers. Press material for the event states that the tour “seeks to bring national attention to the truth regarding the important challenges facing our nation, so that whoever is elected will have a mandate for action.”
Walker also holds a Senior Management in Government Certificate in public policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, an Honorary Doctorate in Business Administration from Bryant College and an Honorary Doctorate of Public Service from Lincoln Memorial University. His name came up as a contender for the Connecticut U.S. Senate seat being vacated this year by Joe Lieberman, but he chose not to run. He has also been discussed in the media as a potential candidate for President.
RSVP: Lauren Black, Jacksonville University, lblack@ju.edu or (904) 256-7095.