The Financial News & Daily Record got up-close and personal with JU President Tim Cost in its Wednesday, Sept. 4, “Workspace” feature.
Writer Tracy Jones gives readers a detailed look at Cost’s third-floor Howard Building office through photos, while also discussing the president’s vision for Jacksonville University’s future.
Sports and other mementos line the shelves in JU President Tim Cost's office. Photo by Tracy Jones for The Financial News
“Tim Cost often spends time staring outside the wall of windows from his office that faces Jacksonville University’s campus,” she starts. “Each student who walks by represents a way for the university to improve, Cost said… From those windows, he noticed students would get mud and grass clippings on their shoes while walking on a popular unpaved path. So, he asked that a sidewalk be installed during a school break.”
The article discusses Cost’s drive since being named president in February to upgrade the student experience, including adding more dining hours and wireless locations and renovating buildings.
One of Cost’s favorite pieces in his office is a JU figurine his then-girlfriend, Stephanie, gave him after he pitched a game for the university as a student. Cost and his wife, Stephanie, have been married for 31 years. Photo by Tracy Jones for The Financial News
“It’s not up to me or the administration or staff to put a template down on top of these students,” Cost is quoted as saying. “It’s our job, in my opinion, to listen to these students and (decide) how do we enhance and enrich this learning experience that they have.”
JU President Tim Cost's conference table gets heavy use. Photo by Tracy Jones for The Financial News
Cost, a 1981 JU graduate and former Dolphin pitcher, has kept his office’s original wood paneling, preferring the money be spent on other campus improvements that benefit students more directly, according to the Financial News story.
Jones draws attention to personal mementos Cost has placed in his office, including dolphin-inspired art pieces from former President Fran Kinne’s tenure. Other photos for the article include a JU figurine his then-girlfriend Stephanie gave him after he pitched a game for the University as a student. The two have been married 31 years. Another photo is of the conference table he likes to work from, so he can watch students and staff from the windows.